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Available Properties
The Land Bank acquires vacant, abandoned, and underutilized properties via municipal tax-foreclosure, donation, and purchase. While Land Banks in general have much in common, they all have their own respective missions, programs and policies tailored to the needs of the municipalities they operate in. The Oswego County Land Bank proposes to use a strategic evaluation process as it selects properties throughout the County for acquisition. The intent is to utilize the Land Bank's limited resources in those areas where they can have the most beneficial impact. Typically, these will be vacant and abandoned residential properties.
The Land Bank evaluates its property inventory based on location, condition, adjacent acquisition opportunities, and redevelopment plans in order to assign a redevelopment strategy to each property. Strategies may include Stabilize, Renovate, Demolish, Sell “As-Is,” Lease, or Hold.
Once a property is acquired the Land Bank will bring in a variety of local service providers to gather a thorough evaluation of the property and subsequently make it clean and safe if it is destined for rehab/resale. Properties determined to be candidates for demolition will be secured and promptly addressed through a competitive process by licensed and certified professionals in that field. The Land Bank carries out basic maintenance and implements the strategies described above as funds allow. If you see a maintenance issue that needs to be addressed, report it to the Land Bank. Available Properties are listed on the Land Bank’s website.
Potential buyers must inspect the property and submit a detailed renovation budget with their offer (unless the property is move-in ready). The Land Bank may place additional requirements on certain properties or restrict what buyers may do with them. Visit the Properties page and/or the Policies for acquisition and disposition for more information about partnering with the Oswego County Land Bank.
Vacant Property
Property Rehab
Property Sold
Available Properties
Land Bank Board Members:
Term: January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2026.
Shane Broadwell, President
Jim Dowd, Treasurer
Daniel Breitweg, Secretary
Paul Stewart
Frank Castiglia
Joanne Nazarian
Marty Webster
Linda Eagan
Mark Tesoriero
Edward Gilson
Angela Cleary
Property Committee:
Chair Marty Webster
Linda Egan
Shane Broadwell
Paul Stewart
Governance Committee:
Chair Mark Tesoriero
Jim Dowd
Marty Webster
Audit Committee:
Chair Jim Dowd
Mark Tesoriero
Angela Cleary
Finance Committee:
Chair Jim Dowd
Mark Tesoriero
Angela Cleary
Kim Park, Executive Director